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Alcon Eye to Eye: Leading Surgical Retina Solutions

Leading Surgical Retina Solutions image

Alcon Eye to Eye: Leading Surgical Retina Solutions

Moderated by: Stanislao Rizzo (Italy)

Original air date: Friday, December 6, 2024, 12:30 - 13:15
Europe, Italy, Florence
Room: Santa Maria Novella

12:30 - 12:34

Welcome and Introductions


Prof. Stanislao Rizzo (Italy)

12:34 – 13:00

Enhancing your procedure with Alcon Technologies


Prof. Aude Couturier (France)

Dr. Sibel Demirel (Turkey) 

Dr. Jean Antoine Pournaras (Switzerland)

13:00 - 13:13

Elevating VR surgery with NGENUITY® 1.5​


Dr. Lukan Mishev (Bulgaria)

13:13 - 13:15

Thank you and closing statement


Prof. Stanislao Rizzo (Italy)

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Please refer to relevant product’s instructions for use for complete list of indications, contraindications, and warnings.

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