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"23rd EURETINA Congress"

ESASO Symposium: Real-World Management of Challenging Cases of Vitreoretinal Surgery

ESASO Symposium: Real-World Management of Challenging Cases of Vitreoretinal Surgery

ESASO Symposium: Real-World Management of Challenging Cases of Vitreoretinal Surgery

Marta S. Figueroa,Ramin Tadayoni,Mario R Romano,Noemi Lois

Original air date: Sunday, October 8, 2023, 11:30 - 12:30
Europe, Netherlands, Amsterdam
Room Elicium 2

11.30 - 11.32

Introduction and welcome


Alistair Laidlaw (UK)

11.32 - 11:50

Near-live Surgical session 1 “Challenging interface cases”


Marta Figueroa (Spain), Alistair Laidlaw (UK), Noemi Lois (Ireland)


1. ERM and PVR Peeling with a new 3D Heads-Up system

Siegfried Priglinger (Germany)


2. Large Macular Holes: Puff and Stuff technique and Digital Image Enhancements

Alan Franklin (US) - Sponsored by Alcon


3. Inverted flap in FTMH?

Peter Stalmans (Belgium)

11:50 - 12:10

Panel discussion “Chromo-vitrectomy”


Mario Romano (Italy)


Koen van Overdam (Netherlands), Kai Januschowski (Germany), James Neffendorf (UK), Patricia Udaondo (Spain), Antonia Joussen (Germany)

12:10 - 12:30

Near-live Surgical session 2 “Challenging retinal detachment cases”


Tom Williamson (UK), Ramin Tadayoni (France), Shohista SaidKasimova (Scotland)


1. Management of complex retinal detachment

Tommaso Rossi (Italy)


2. 27G HYPERVIT® & Finesse® Reflex™ in complex Retinal Detachment

Pierre Raphael Rothschild (France) - Sponsored by Alcon


3. PVR management

Stanislao Rizzo (Italy)

Please refer to relevant product direction for use for list of indications, contraindications and warnings.