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"41st Congress of the ESCRS"

Alcon Eye to Eye – Elevating Presbyopia Correction

Alcon Eye to Eye – Elevating Presbyopia Correction

Alcon Eye to Eye – Elevating Presbyopia Correction

Arthur Cummings (Ireland)

Original air date: Sunday, September 10, 2023, 13:00 - 14:00
Europe, Vienna, Austria
Room: A2

13:00 - 13:01



Arthur Cummings (Ireland)

13:01 - 13:25

Cataract Patients in the new millennium: emerging needs and available solutions / Driving innovation to improve patient outcomes and experience / How can we increase our confidence in presbyopia treatment?


Arthur Cummings (Ireland), panelists

13:25 - 13:58

Clinical Cases – from diagnostics to patient outcomes


Giacomo Savini (Italy), Ike Ahmed (Canada), Chandra Bala (Australia), Arthur Cummings (Ireland)

13:58 - 14:00



Arthur Cummings (Ireland)

Please refer to relevant product direction for use for list of indications, contraindications and warnings.